
Fire Prevention Tips

Leech Lake has a Fire Prevention Program aimed at school age children in an effort to educate and reduce the number of fires set by children, and to inform the general public of fire danger and ways to reduce accidental fires by using fire danger signs.


• Trim all tree branches that overhang your house.
• Maintain a green lawn for 30 feet around your house.
• Move your firewood pile out of your home's defensible space.
• Trim all tree branches from within 20 feet of all chimneys.
• Keep trees and shrubs pruned; prune all trees six to 10 feet from ground.
• Mow dry grass and weeds.
• Dispose of cuttings and debris properly.
• Landscape your yard using less flammable plants.
• Talk to your children about not starting fires or playing with matches.
• If you have a burn barrel that you use for burning trash, STOP!

NOTE: Not only is it illegal in Minnesota AND on Leech Lake Reservation, burn barrels are responsible for approximately 40% of the wildfires in the area!

Contact Us

Name Title Phone
Bebeau, Duane Fire Coordinator 335-7440
Bebeau, Timothy Crew Member 335-7440
Drouillard, John Crew Member 335-7440
Gotchie, Robert Crew Member 335-7440
Jacobs, George Crew Member 335-7440
Sweedman, Brent Crew Member 335-7440
TeJohn, James Crew Member 335-7440
White, Eric Crew Member 335-7440
Wind, Daniel Crew Member 335-7440