Leech Lake Child Protection Services
In 2008, The Leech Lake Tribal Council, the State of Minnesota, and each of the Counties that border the reservation entered into Memorandums of Understanding giving the LL Child Welfare Department the responsibility of providing all Child Protection services for Leech Lake membership eligible children who live within the reservation buondaries. LL Child Protection, a program within the Child Welfare Department, receives intakes, conducts assessments, provides case management services, & arranges customary adoptions.
Priorities of the program are to reduce the high rates of Out of the Home Placement, allow Leech Lake to make decisions for its own members, and to provide consistent services, not fragmented by county of residence.
The goal of the Child Protection Program is to provide services that ensure the safety, permanency and well-being of children. Services offered through the Child Protection Program include Intake, Assessment, Case Management, and Family Support.
Eligibility Requirements
Services are provided to families identified through an incoming child maltreatment incident report on a child who is a member of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe.
Reports initiated within LL Reservation boundaries are sole responsibility of the Leech Lake Child Welfare Department Child Protection Program
Reports throughout the United States outside the LL Reservation boundaries are the joint responsibility of the county in which the child resides and Leech Lake Child Welfare Department
Services outside of the LL Reservation boundaries may be provided by the Urban Child Welfare Program or the Leech Lake Child Protection Program depending on court jurisdiction.
Counties outside of the Leech Lake Reservation boundaries are required by the Indian Child Welfare Act to notify tribes when a child protection case has been opened within their county that involves a tribal member.
Intake Procedure
- Receive and screen incoming reports. Intake Workers gather information from child maltreatment reports made by community members and mandated reporters to determine if the circumstances should be investigated or if a family is in need of resources to prevent a child from being placed out of the home.
- 24 hour a day response system
Assessment Procedure
Conduct investigations and assessments, evaluating the safety and well being of children. Assessment Workers investigate child maltreatment reports and determine if there is a need to remove the child from the home due to unsafe conditions or if the household needs resources to prevent family disruption.
On-Going Case Management Procedure
Case Managers provide comprehensive services for the best interest of the child. Services may be offered to families who have had children placed out of the home with the ultimate goal of reunifying the family or to connect families with resources that will assist them in providing a safer environment for their children.
The Family Support staff assists families with transportation to necessary appointments relating to their case plan, completing applications for essential resources, provide supervised visitations and other services that support families in strengthening their family structure.
Urban Office
- Montiros ICWA compliance by metro conties
- Offer child welfare services
- Provides Legal advice to the LLCW Department on all matters involving Child Welfare.
- Provides legal representation to the LLCW Department in state and tribal courts.
ICWA Commission
- Makes permanency recommendations and provides guidance
- Comprised of Tribal Council Members, Community Members, Representatives from other Human Services Divisions.
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