Contact Us

(218) 335-3682 Phone
(218) 335-3685 Fax

190 Sailstar Drive NW
Cass Lake, MN 56633

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Area Served

Leech Lake Reservation
Beltrami County
Cass County
Hubbard County
Itasca County


Tribal Court • Bamenim Anishinaabeg Program

Bamenim logoBamenim Anishinaabeg “Care for the People”
Healing Spirit, Mind & Body


To promote healing of the spirit, mind, and body and address the root causes of crime and delinquency.

Our Program Model

The Bamenim Anishinaabeg Program Model is a strength-based, client-centered, family-focused model, grounded in Anishinaabeg values and culture, guided by the Four Hills of Life, the Four Seasons of the Year, and the Four Phases of the Wraparound Principles of National Wraparound Initative, based on data-driven decision making and measureable outcomes.

The Four Hills of Life

The First Hill

The First Hill - the Abinoojiiyensag (Babies) and Ikwezensag Miinawaa Gwiiwizensag (Little Boys and Girls) Stage

In order to successfully climb the first hill, participants must engage in traditional teaching which may include:

  • understanding the teachings of the 7 Grandfathers
  • receiving or reconnecting with an Indian name
  • using traditional medicines: tobacco, sage, sweet grass
  • understanding Anishinaabeg history, morals, and values

The Second Hill

The Second Hill - the Oshkaya'aag (Youth) and Oshkinaweg Miinawaa Oshkiniigikweg (Adolescent Boys and Girls) Stage

In order to successfully climb the second hill, participants must engage in life-skills which may include:

  • obtaining certificates of identification (Tribal/State ID)
  • obtaining a driver's license
  • conducting vocational or interest inventories
  • creating a genogram or Family Relationship Map
  • completing the Bamenim Anishinaabeg Tobacco Class
  • completing the Bamenim Anishinaabeg Alcohol Class

The Third Hill

The Third Hill - the Gichi-Aya'aag (Adults) and Ininiwag Miinawaa Ikwewag (Men and Women) Stage

In order to successfully climb this third hill, participants must engage in educational/vocational pursuits which may include:

  • obtaining a high-school diploma
  • obtaining a GED
  • submitting a college application
  • pursuing vocational training

The Fourth Hill

The Fourth Hill - the Nookomis Miinawaa Mishoomis (Grandmother and Grandfather) Stage

In order to successfully climb this fourth hill, participamts must engage in "giving back" which may include:

  • developing resources
  • mentoring peers
  • helping others

Four Seasons

All program participants will be involved in cultural activities

Ziigwan (Spring): Participants may partake in springtime activities such as maple sugar harvesting.

Niibin (Summer): Participants may participate in summertime activities such as fishing, berry-picking, and harvesting medicines.

Dagwaagin (Fall): Participants may participate in fall activities such as ricing and hunting.

Biboon (Winter): Participants may participate in wintertime activies such as storytelling.

The Seven Grandfathers

The Seven Grandfathers guide all of us as we work together to heal those that need healing of the spirit, mind, and body.

Nbaakaawin - Wisdom: To cherish knowlegde is to know Wisdom. Wisdom is given by the Creator to be used for the good of the people.

Zaagidwin - Love: Love must be unconditional. When people are weak they need love the most.

M'naadendmowin - Respect: Have respect for all that is. All of creating should be treated with respect. You must give respect if you with to be respected.

Aakdeh'ewin - Bravery: To face a foe with integrity. To do what's right even when the consequenes are unplesant.

Gwekwaadziwin - Honesty: Always be honest in word and action. Be honest first with yourself, and you will more easily be able to be honest with others.

D'baadendizin - Humility: You are equal to others, but you are not better.

Debwewin - Truth: Speak the truth. Do not deceive yourself or others.