Contact Us

(218) 335-4448 Phone
(218) 335-8272 Fax

Mailing Address
190 Sailstar Drive NW
Cass Lake, MN 56633

Physical Address
16126 John Moose Dr
Cass Lake, MN 56633

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Areas Served

Leech Lake Reservation



Truancy Prevention and Intervention Services

Child Welfare Logo

Truancy Intervention Services ages 12-18 years old

This program is responsible for providing services that help prevent students from being introduced to the court system because of unexcused school absences. Contact is made with the parent or guardian at which time school policies are reviewed and options are discussed that will help promote school attendance

School Absences
Excused - Illness, death of a family member, doctor's appointment, religious holiday.

Unexcused -Refusing to go to school, skipping school for a day or for a class, staying home to take care of siblings, missing school bus, making doctor appointments that could have been scheduled after regular school hours, working at a job.
Attention Students:

• Are the future
• Are the change
• Will be our future leaders
• Will be the ones making a difference

Today's sacrifices are tomorrows treasures. So stay in school to make our parent's proud, our grand parents proud, our relatives proud, our people proud. Most importantly, do it for YOURSELF.

Referrals will occur when a student has seven or more days of unexcused absences at school or unexcused absences for one or more class periods on seven school days. At this time, the school or county sends a report stating that the child is considered "at risk". They are urged to make the referrals as soon as possilbe so that an intervention does not have to be initiated.

Referrals are made to the Child Protection Intake Worker who first verifies if the child is eligible for services. The Intake Worker then forwards the referral to the appropriate staff for assessment.

Definition of Truant

In Elementary school, a child is considered truant if they miss part of a day for 7 days.

In Middle school and High school, a child is considered truant if they have an unexcused absence for one or more class periods in 7 school days.

Definition of Neglect

Neglect is defined as a child needing protection or services because the child is without necessary food, clothing, shelter, education, or other required care for the child's physical or mental health. This is due to the child's parent, guardian, or custodian being unable or unwilling to provide that care.

Educational Neglect is the failure of the parent/guardian to provide an appropriate education and to promote school attendance as required by law. Educational Neglect is unexcused absences 7 or more parts of a day.

Eligibility Requirements

Leech Lake Band Member