The Leech Lake Diabetes Clinic (LLDC) and Program specializes in the treatment and medical management of people living with diabetes and its co-morbidities, as well educating the Leech Lake community on Diabetes Prevention. Clinical appointments are offered in Cass Lake, Bemidji, Ball Club, Inger and Onigum. Clinic visits can include physical examinations, laboratory tests, diagnoses, medication prescriptions and diabetic foot exams. The medical record process is used in assisting patients achieve the standards of care for diabetes. Referrals are made as needed.
The clinic provides Diabetes Self-Management Education/Training (DSME) and Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) for patients, families, and friends. The information is offered in individual and group settings, classes and community events. This includes education on healthy food choices, carbohydrate counting, blood glucose self-monitoring, physical activity, weight loss, medications, insulin use, insulin pump use, smoking cessation, coping, depression, behavior change and support.
The LLDC has achieved accreditation with the American Diabetes Association (ADA), which demonstrates that education is being done according to the National Standards, and all education plans are individualized, using an approved curriculum.
The LL Diabetes Program provides events and education on prevention and awareness for the general community, which includes blood sugar screenings, cooking classes, support groups, talking circles, health fairs, fitness and wellness programs, weight loss challenges and foot care clinics. There are scheduled events with youth to emphasize awareness and prevention of diabetes, and the benefits of healthy eating and physical activity by using the W.O.L.F. (Work Out – Low Fat) curriculum and summer and winter family diabetes prevention camps. Presentations have been made at Women’s Services, Half-way Houses, schools, Boys and Girls Clubs, etc. These events/classes are offered throughout the reservation.
LLDC provides seminars/workshops on Diabetes for the Tribal staff, IHS staff members, community organizations and surrounding areas. We participate in workgroups and practice grant program management, reporting, budget preparation, policy and procedure development and collaborate with many entities.
Our Mission:
To empower our communities to ultimately eliminate diabetes and to improve the quality of life for those living with diabetes and their families.
Are You At Risk? |
• Does someone in your family have diabetes?
• Are you overweight?
• Are you inactive (no regular exercise program)?
• Do you have high blood pressure?
• Do you have high cholesterol or triglycerides?
• Did you or your mom have diabetes during pregnancy or have a baby over 9 pounds?
• Have you been told you have insulin resistance, IGT, or pre-diabetes?
If you answered 'YES' to any of these questions, you should be tested for diabetes. We can help people of all ages.
A healthy lifestyle is the best way to fight against diabetes and its complications. |
• Knowledge
• Self monitoring
• Healthy eating
• Exercise
• Weight loss
• Proper medications
• Insulin use & adjustment |
• Stop smoking
• Coping
• Depression
• Support
• Resources
• Diabetes & pregnancy
• Diabetes at school |
Eligibility Requirements
Enrolled in a federally recognized tribe
Intake Procedure
- Walk-in for more information
- Call to sechedule an appointment