The Employee Assistance Program has been established to identify, interpret and address employee concerns regarding personal and/or organizational situations that affect job performance and productivity and to meet the challenges of seeking workable and satisfying solutions for employee's, their families, and organizations. We strive for the highest standards of employee work relations in order for our reservation programs to continue to operate at their fullest potential in a safe and healthy work environment.
Please use the [email protected] email to submit the following documents:
- Employee Warning Reports
- Employee Grievances
- Incident Reports
All information received in the employee assistance program is kept strictly confidential, unless you give EAP written permission to disclose information to your designated person.
“There will be no adverse action taken against an employee as a result of visiting the EAP office. Participation in this program will not jeopardize an employee’s job security, promotional opportunity or reputation.
Here are some examples of issues and concerns that are addressed by the EAP on a daily basis:
- Job Related Concerns
Feeling or thoughts of being picked on or fear of losing your job for whatever reasons.
- Employee Concerns
Feeling of physical, emotional or psychological abuse by a supervisor or co-worker.
- Conflict Management
Not being able to get along with other LLBO employees for personal or work related reasons.
- Alcohol/Drug Abuse
Feeling that alcohol and/or drug abuse is taking a toll on your work performance and personal life.
- Safety Issues
Feeling unsafe in your workplace due to such things as: physical or emotional harm, health hazards, etc.
- Emotional Issues
Personal or job related worries and stresses can lead to feelings of being down or depressed.
The objective of the EAP is to reduce personnel problems in the workforce and retain valued employees.
It is recognized that most personal issues can be dealt with successfully if they are identified early and referred to appropriate programs or services.
Untreated personal issues may lead to:
- Low productivity
- Absenteeism
- Accidents
- Violence
Please... do not wait until these issues or concerns get out of control and affect your employment. To ensure that all efforts are made to maintain employment with LLBO contact the EAP immediately to get any and all issues addressed and resolved in a timely manner. If your not sure on what to do or how to go about an issue, please call and get some advice over the phone if needed. Please don't wait!
The employee assistance program does not supersede or preclude any of the responsibilities of the supervisor, does not alter or replace existing LLBO Personnel Policies and Procedure but serve to assist their utilization.
Manager Information
The Employee Assistant Program has put together a Supervisory Manual so that our supervisors can better handle employee issues and conflict that may arise in the work place. This manual will help you better understand what it is that the Employee Assistance Program can do for you as a supervisor and how we can help you retain your employees. In the manual you will find a section on how to deal with employee conflict, how to resolve issues fairly with win-win situations and problem solving. Included are several EAP forms that are used when you are referring an employee to the EAP Associate.
I hope this gives you a better understanding of what the EAP Associate can do for you and your employees. I am confident this manual will help you as a supervisor to resolve and identify issues that may come your way. If I can be of further assistance please contact me at ext. 8377.