Faron Jackson, Sr.
Boozhoo, my relatives, friends, community members and all!
As we begin a new course for our reservation along with our gaming enterprise, I am reminded of my campaign and why I was voted in as Chairperson of our Great Leech Lake Reservation.
I ran for the Chairman position for the same reasons I ran for Secretary/Treasurer in 2014. I traveled many roads visited many households and became more aware of the many issues facing our people here on reservation, rural and the urban areas. We as Leech Lake are struggling and are overwhelmed by numerous social issues affecting us all. There have been many approaches on issues without follow-up or action plans to address them, that was poor leadership and no follow up on our programs and our gaming operations.
Currently there are Programs and Divisions behaving in ways that are not beneficial to us Leech Lakers, including the Reservation Tribal Council. I was elected on my campaign promises that included:
Balancing our Budget
- Leech Lake has not operated on a balanced budget in years
- Our reservation needs to become financially sound
- We cannot continue to spend more than we are taking in
- Our programs run out of money before the fiscal year ends and our members go without needed services
- We need detailed budgets in place for each department
- The formation of a budget team made up of Leech Lakers
- I encourage Band Members to speak up respectfully through the chain of command on budget issues without the fear of reprisal
Land Leases
- Rescind Land Leases that are not held by Leech Lakers
- Make our land more accessible to band members
Create a youth work program
- Make sure our children are active in positive activities
- Invest in more programs for our future generation of leaders
- Give a positive alternative by getting the youth involved in learning
- Build Community Centers with gymnasiums in every community
Blood Quantum
- Our system is flawed and we need to change our criteria with the input of all of us Leech Lakers
- Let’s not deny our children their inherent right as Leech Lakers
- We believe in our cultural as a very unique and special people that is why we need too incorporate the teachings of our elders more into our daily way of life, which is a spiritual
- We need to care for our families and teach the children our traditional ways
- I will work closely with our ICWA team in assuring our children are well represented
Treaty Rights
We need to educate ourselves on our treaty rights of 1837, 1854 & 1855, and others, which will benefit not only our communities but will create an interest in becoming more involved in Indian issues on and off the reservation.
I ask for your help on
- Let’s work for the betterment of Leech Lake and create a government that works with checks and balances and stop the stagnation that helps keep us locked in poverty due to power plays and political cronyism
- Let’s work for government reform
- Let’s set the future for our children and make decisions out to seven generations
- Let’s make sure all our children are taken care of and provide the resources to help them grow healthy and prepared for adulthood
- Let’s make sure our elders’ needs are met and their wisdom followed
- Let’s put our cultural values back in place through teachings of our culture and language
- Let’s educate and train our people so they can live and excel in both worlds
- Let’s exercise our sovereignty and treaty rights
- Let’s have open government and an open door policy through proper channels of respect
- Let’s aggressively educate our children and families about the dangers of drugs and alcohol
- Let’s support an increase in the tax rebate payment and support a line item budget for elected officials to help their constituents in emergency situations that our service programs can’t meet
- Let’s work with the Secretary/Treasurer and District Representatives to make sure our budgets and resources are used appropriately
- Let’s review division and program budgets to ensure they are operating in a manner that meets set goals and are efficient with our resources and most importantly are meeting the needs they are responsible for
- Let’s invest in our people and support established program financial guidelines so that we stop wasting resources
- Let’s establish an advisory committee to the Reservation Business Committee
I will use a careful and informed approach to my responsibilities as a member of the Gaming Commission and Tribal Executive Committee. My priority is to make Leech Lake a respected and progressive Tribal Government that protects our sovereignty, our rights and exercises our authority. I want our people to be educated and trained and respected. I want us to be leaders and I want us to be proud Anishinabe.
I believe when a person lives his or her life by their true inner feelings, their true self will come to surface.
Mii gwetch for reading my direction for Leech Lake and welcome input from our Band members.
Chairman, Faron Jackson Sr.